Galaxy Funder – WooCommerce Crowdfunding System Developers Wanted

The 7 Million Jobs website has a link in that HTML table where it says about Community Development Projects and requires someone to modify it and the DB so that:

When clicking from some country, you are taken to the Galaxy Funder – WooCommerce Crowdfunding System Developers Wanted page for that country;

Should not be that difficult to do, right? I’m in Cambodia so I’d want to see what has happening here before looking at some other country, and that is the task for this programming job;

Finally for now, this link allowing you to create a fundraising proposal should show up in your main UI instead of requiring you to login again. Please listen to that MP3.

Did you see that ‘GalaxyFunder Webmasters’ is on page 1 in Google? Guess who owns that domain.

Contact-Me here

Chat Rooms for TEAMS

It takes a village to turn ideas into realities

Because you now have a place to create and make decisions as a team, there’s no limit to what you can achieve. Teams brings everything together in a shared workspace where you can chat, meet, share files, and work with business apps.
For assisting those Freelancers whose English is not as Fluent as mine, we will be experimenting with new chat plugins. Your team members speaking your language will help you understand the tasks to be completed, thereby making MY job easier.

I only hire people who convince me you know the job and won’t be asking me 100 questions about it.

Telling each Freelancer the same story I told the last Freelancer is not good for me. Come here and discuss what you think something is all about. This helps you convince me you know what the job is mostly about and allows you to submit your offer and not revise it later because you didn’t understand something.

Listen to this MP3

Required Software Developers IQ Intelligence Test Details


Software developers and your team members are now required to first prove your intelligence and comprehension of the desired project goals prior to your being allowed to participate in any manner.

You will be provided with coding samples, images, links, sample text and themes. is hosting server for finished project; is desired homepage; Menu system under tutorial video, modify this menu for Pricerr Theme; Will likely use this version of Pricerr theme; is corrupted but latest theme from; explains DB used at 7, aka; from Godaddy, official project name; Has highway jpg for use in homepages in Pricerr theme; Location of project to be using pricerr theme. Missing some images, test and links back into pricerr theme; This is structure used today.

At is a 3 page custom template attached to Storefront. Templates are to be removed and put into Pricerr theme. A 3×3 HTML table in each country is seen above video at bottom of page. C1,R1 meet local people brings DB in themes for that country you begin at.

Barter – Trade Your Skills  allows you to register into that country in the themes.

Click To Upload Your Video  costs a fee to appear in the playlist for that country.

Community Development Projects SHOULD display projects in the country you arrived from on the template. 

Scammed? Warn Other Tourists should have links to the country you arrived from on the template, so blog posts about certain countries can easily be located. Here users can post their stories.

1st 7 Million Jobs TV Host’s photo has name, photo and clickable link to TV Guest for this country

line 31 adjacent to country’s image is name, photo and clickable link Wikipedia profile to leader of country. Excel file with most people and related data is available.

In USA locations 3 images will appear, one being Donald Trump along with his Wikipedia profile link AND one of his latest slogans in form of a text that may be modified by webmaster at will. 

Line 34 Allows webmaster to add additional text as desired. 


All Teams will submit a 250 – 500 word Document  0r text file containing images, wireframes or other visuals describing what we will have if you are employed to complete this project. Your budget and timeline will be included but NO links to previous projects will be accepted. No text about your skills will be included, but including such data will have your essay trashed. 

DEADLINE 05/04/19

Send your submissions to SUBJECT= “Our Submission ”