Fiverr Job Details: Update WordPress Project

Map of Asian Highway Network

To Freelancers Contacting Me About Fiverr Job Details: Update WordPress Project.

In the website at is a home page design seen here

I will hire you to change that theme and use the theme seen at

Else use the theme seen at Pakistan and some other countries are blocking this domain.

At the website, when you click some country in that homepage, you will see what information and functionality is wanted to be in the new theme.

In that HTML table near the bottom you will see something like “click here to meet local people”. When traffic clicks that link (not working right now) they MUST be taken to a page like this one at demo-4

Notice this image is for Asian Highway26? This tells us and Google Analytics that traffic arrived from and all locations on that highway are in the left side in those 1-2-3 image options.

I want the Map for our different locations to appear depending on where the traffic came from. Also, the correct cities and towns for that Map must be available. I have most of those locations in an Excel file.

Those maps appear here but you must first activate your Adobe Flash, else you can not see them. Just click any country and you will see those maps are link-able. So, going back to the demo-4 page called proof of concept, you will add some method so traffic can select which highway towns and cities they want to know about.

Return to 7.AsianHighwayNetwork and in that HTML you see a link about uploading your video. You will discover right here the tutorial video about that functionality.

You will also see a sample coding form that you can modify the UI so all countries in this project are included.
I will collect a $1 fee before approving any video, so you have to add that feature. It may be less confusing to the traffic if the only option is to upload a video into the playlist for the country they are interested in. We don’t want traffic to require a PhD to use the website and give us cash, right?

Back again in the HTML table you see “BARTER – TRADE YOUR SKILLS” and this link takes people to the registration page in the theme that you decided to use. HOWEVER, if traffic is registering from maybe we need to know WHICH highway they live at. You have to figure out how to do it so the traffic is not confused. Maybe show the maps and tell them to select which one is close to his location. Modify the registration form is an option.

“Profitable Ideas & Video Tutorials” sends traffic to the blog for now, I can change it later.
“Community Development Projects” sends traffic to the crowdfunding functionality. If possible you make a category for that country, so traffic visiting from Pakistan will see crowdfunding projects about PK. Do not use “category” but use “location” instead if possible. Documentation link

“Scammed? Warn Other Tourists” sends traffic to a blog page about that country. Allow registered traffic to upload a video or some text comments. Add those share buttons with the shortcode. If necessary.

I am not sure if you would be willing to offer any improvements or ideas on using the theme, but I’m available to work with you. Obviously I want to work with a team that is interested to help this become successful, not just work with a business developer only interested in selling something and does not care about the results, right?

Are you a robot? Can you think independently or must someone tell you step by step what to do? Please do not ask me to “confirm” what I have already posted. This makes me upset and you will not be hired. There are chat rooms available where you can ask others who use common sense.

What if you can do only part of this project? Register into GitHub and maybe someone else will assist. Use the online chat functions in this site or use your own resources.
Payment is 99% done in Fiverr, means you must accurately describe what you will do and write a custom order for my signature. Do not just write a custom order saying you will do everything, be specific about what I receive if you are hired.

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